What are twitter Communities

Twitter Communities are a brand new feature to Twitter that only a few have access to right now. But think of these as a Subreddit or a Facebook Group.


How To Join One

Joining one is a fairly simple and easy. All you need is look through your feed to see if anyone has already created one, go to the Twitter Communities account to see a list of top communities, or receive a direct URL to a community page.


When you view or see a community on the your feed, it will look like what is shown above. It’ll give you a card with the communities header, the name of the community, the number of people within it, and the option to view the community.

Then once you click on the option to view community, you get a few windows. The main header (scene below), the name of the community, the amount of members, the option to send a link or invite others, as well as the option to Join/Leave the Community (Box 1). You’ll also get the Rules (box 2) of the community that everyone should abide by. The first three rules in the box is defaulted by Twitter as a starting point for those who create the Community, but then everything after is set by the community creator. Before joining a group, a pop up will appear making sure you have read the rules of the Twitter Community. Make sure you follow these rules as the creator or mods can ban you from the community for not following them and Twitter will not help you as this is not ran by them. The next box (3) is the Community feed. This is where anyone who is part of the community may post content pertaining to the Community.


Another bit of becoming a member of a community is the new Communities tab on the left hand column (Below - 1). This will be where you go when you want to view all your communities you’ve joined. When you go to this section, on the top bar (2) will be the list of all the individual communities you have joined. You will need to scroll left and right to get the full list. Then below that (3) is more of a communal feed of all the communities that you have followed. This may eventually get chaotic with more communities you join, so I would suggest just going to the individual communities to get the feed you want.


Overall, I am excited for Communities and what they can bring to the platform. Creators will also benefit from this as Twitter has been the best when it comes to sharing content. Nothing thus far of social media has been able to compete with power that is the “Retweet” button. So jump on board early with communities as I can see this becoming new way and norm of sharing content and building a fanbase. If you want to join one now, then join our communtiy with the button below.


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