How to compress your video if it’s too large for an upload


Most your videos upload just fine onto your fans sites but every once in awhile, there may be a need to compress you video to allow uploading or viewing optimization. Handbreak is an amazing tool that I have been using for years for my media center. But it also helps a lot for content creators.

Handbreak has presets that will automatically convert and compress the videos to allow best viewing depend on your target device such as iPhone, Samsung Device, or just normal PC watching. Most videos will output into the .mp4 format but it also has the ability to output in .M4V, .MKV and WebM.

For a quick crash course on handbreak, check out my video below. is an awesome tool for those rare occasions with file uploads or if you dont have the best upload speeds. And even helps for places with download/upload limits. To download Handbreak, click the button below to be taken to their site.


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