Quote Database

Even I have issues with quotes or copy for social posting. I can get writers block or really have no idea what to write for a certain situation. Well time to fix this, not just for me, but for a lot of people who also run into this issue.

I will be posting a new section in the Creator Hub with a lists of quotes I see on social. I will also be including a search bar specific for this type of content. So let’s say your at a beach and want to say something focused on that genre but have nothing to say. You can search “Beach” and a list of quotes that have been used before or can be used in that scenario will come up. You may also search by social platform like “Instagram” or “Twitter”. Just so you know that those are safe to use on that platform. And lastly, you may look up “Call to Action” or “Engagement” to find quotes that help motivate people to leave comments, or just general engagement on the post.

Another feature that I have included is the ability to press a button and the text will automatically get copied to your clipboard! The button looks a little janky, but it does I want it to do!

I am really excited for this new feature and I hope you can find it useful as well! Click the button below to be taken to the new Quote Database called “The Quote Factory


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