DaVinci Resolve


DaVinci Resolve is quickly becoming the go to for video editing software for creators. Unlike Adobe’s Premiere Pro that cost money to use, DaVinci is completely free to use! And it’s actually one of Hollywood’s tools for video editing. So you are getting an extremely high quality software for nothing.

I personally have not yet used it that much but have friends who use it for their content and they love it! I’m just used to the Premiere interface and already have a high speed workflow. But I intend on giving this a shot as well as producing some how to tutorials


The editing process is very similar to Premiere in terms of the drag and dropping of clips and audio files. You can cut, paste, move things around all very easily. It also has plenty of great transition effects and audio controls.

Overall, If you want an editing software for your videos and can’t afford the Adobe suite, then go with DaVinci Resolve. It’s Free!

However, it’s color correction tools are where it shines the most. Now I know most content creators, especially in the adult content world, would never touch this stuff. But I like to a little flair into my videos and give them a bit more stylized look. DaVinci is the best at giving you the best readable tools for color correction.

Overall, If you want an editing software for your videos and cant afford the Adobe stuff, then go with DaVinci Resolve. It’s free, it works for Windows, iOS, and even Linux. and you are using some Hollywood level software. The link to where you can download is just below. Happy Editing!


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